These videos are a series of 8 talks that Tulku Thondup Rinpoche gave on the anniversary of Kyabje Dodrupchen’s Parinirvana in 2022. They were given to the Mahasiddha Center community over Zoom.

This is the first of 8 talks that Tulku Thondup gave on Kyabje Dodrupchen's Parinirvana. The talk took place on January 30, 2022, over Zoom to the Mahasiddha Center community.

This is the second of 8 talks that Tulku Thondup gave on Kyabje Dodrupchen's Parinirvana. The talk took place on February 6, 2022, over Zoom to the Mahasiddha Center community.

This is the third of 8 talks that Tulku Thondup gave on Kyabje Dodrupchen's Parinirvana. The talk took place on February 27, 2022, over Zoom to the Mahasiddha Center community.

This is the fourth of 8 talks that Tulku Thondup gave on Kyabje Dodrupchen's Paranirvana. The talk took place on March 6, over Zoom to the Mahasiddha Center community.

This is the fifth of 8 talks that Tulku Thondup gave on Kyabje Dodrupchen's Parinirvana. The talk took place on March 13, 2022 over Zoom to the Mahasiddha Center community.

This is the sixth of 8 talks that Tulku Thondup gave on Kyabje Dodrupchen's Parinirvana. The talk took place on March 14, 2022, over Zoom to the Mahasiddha Center community.

This is the eighth of 8 talks that Tulku Thondup gave on Kyabje Dodrupchen's Parinirvana. The talk took place over Zoom to the Mahasiddha Center community.

This is the seventh of 8 talks that Tulku Thondup gave on Kyabje Dodrupchen's Parinirvana. The talk took place on March 18, 2022, over Zoom to the Mahasiddha Center community.